SEVEN SQUARE ACADEMY is a prime CBSE, Co-educational, unaided, English medium school which ensure the fact that Education is NOT the learning of facts, however it is the training of the mind to think; Enhancing on this Einsteinian concept of thinking, we prepare a child to become versatile perspective, going beyond the world and learning. Adhering to the CBSE rules and regulations, we motivate students to aim for a journey of a thousand miles. We offer 10+2 pattern of education, following the Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi. Read More
Profile Of The Day
Dr. Varsha Pandey
BDS, Dentist, Bhayander
Felicitation Ceremony
Alumni Events
Coming Soon: Get Ready for Something Amazing!
Stay tuned for our upcoming event! Exciting details to be revealed soon. Don't miss out on the fun!
Alumni News & Blogs
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An exploration into the car design industry and how it works An exploration into the car design industry and how it works An exploration into the car design industry and how it works
An exploration into the car design industry and how it works An exploration into the car design industry and how it works An exploration into the car design industry and how it works
An exploration into the car design industry and how it works An exploration into the car design industry and how it works An exploration into the car design industry and how it works
An exploration into the car design industry and how it works An exploration into the car design industry and how it works An exploration into the car design industry and how it works
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